Entries by Anil Bajnath


Biometric tracking is at the center of personalized medicine and can be used clinically to monitor useful, real time information about your health. Biometry literally means the measure of life, and in a broader sense, it designates the quantitative study of living beings.  .   .   . The first steps on your health journey […]


WHAT’S THE STORY WITH YOUR MICROBIOME? The human microbiome is a fascinating, emerging area of science and clinical research. Assessing the microbial diversity throughout your body holds promise in looking at how our body’s cohabitants work in synergy with or parasitism against its host. .   .   . Your life story is one of […]

How We Use Your Genome to Optimize Your Health

Your DNA determines an overwhelming amount of information about who you are, what you look like, and how certain environmental factors influence your overall health. This is why at the Institute for Human Optimization, we aim to be a wellness intelligence partner for our patients, using the latest genomic testing to empower them to reach […]

Sex Hormones: Not Just for Sex

Evolution has two ultimate goals: survival and reproduction. We’ve covered the basic survival hormones, adrenaline, and cortisol, responsible for dealing with stress and initiating the “fight or flight” response. We’ve covered most of the hormones that serve as chemical messengers to tell your organs what to do. And we discussed the all-important thyroid and how […]

HPA Axis and Cortisol

Stress is a strange phenomenon, a signal that indicates to your body something is threatening your life and you need to do something about it immediately. As cave-dwelling Homo sapiens, stress looked like animals trying to eat you or not finding enough water to survive. Today, our stressors are not always life-threatening, but our bodies […]