• Microbiome
What is the gut microbiome, and why does it matter?

What is the gut microbiome, and why does it matter?

Emerging research has now demonstrated that the human microbiome is comprised of approximately 40 trillion microorganisms living within your gut. These organisms help you digest food consumed, aide in the production of beneficial and harmful chemicals, regulate your immune system, control infections by pathogens, influence the foods you crave and even control your emotions.

These microorganisms – which make up your gut microbiome – have been implicated in maintaining optimal health, as well as many chronic conditions, including diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, coronary artery disease, psoriasis, lupus, and autism. By taking care of your 40 trillion microbial friends, you can maximize your wellness and potentially prevent disease.

The Importance of Microbiome

 Enhance microbial species biodiversity associated with overall wellness

Assess in the identification of the ideal macronutrient ratios of proteins, carbohydrates and fats for your diet

Identify and treat microbial species associated with disease and poor health

Determine the foods that are most compatible with metabolome

Promote Protective Metabolite Production

Recommend individualized dietary and supplement reports to achieve and maintain a healthy weight

Down regulate toxic metabolites associated with poor health

Promote a diet that will increase your energy, focus and overall-well being

Identify prebiotics that can enhance the growth of beneficial microbes and metabolite health

Enhance assimilation through optimized digestion and absorption

Diagnose dysbiosis disease states including small intestinal (fungal/bacterial) overgrowth

Cultivate beneficial (but missing) bacteria with probiotic supplements


Obesity, metabolic syndrome and gastrointestinal disease are all influenced by our gut microbiome.

Autoimmune Disease

Our microbiome controls our immune system more than we realize.


Our gut microbiome is associated with both type II diabetes and the complications that come with it.


What we eat alters our microbiome faster than expected.

Mental Health

Our gut microbiome has been shown to influence depression, cognition, behavior, and neural development.

Parkinson’s Disease

Our gut microbiota have been linked to Parkinson’s disease and its motor symptoms.

Heart Disease

Certain bacteria have been linked to atherosclerosis, an all-too-common heart condition.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Microbes are involved in the development of Alzheimer’s pathology.

Colorectal Cancer

Shifts in the makeup of our gut microbiome are associated with colorectal cancer.


Imbalanced microbiome is linked to a myriad of different diseases

These six areas are interconnected, and imbalances in one area can lead to problems in another. For example, poor sleep can contribute to gut problems, and chronic stress can lead to hormone imbalances. By taking a comprehensive approach to care, functional medicine practitioners can help you restore balance in all areas of health.

These six areas are interconnected, and imbalances in one area can lead to problems in another. For example, poor sleep can contribute to gut problems, and chronic stress can lead to hormone imbalances. By taking a comprehensive approach to care, functional medicine practitioners can help you restore balance in all areas of health.